Academic Courses

SOCAAR collaborators and affiliates offer a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses related to air quality, climate and health.

Undergraduate courses

CHE230 Environmental Chemistry
Professor Greg Evans

CHM210 Chemistry of Environmental Change
Professor Jennifer Murphy

CHM310 Environmental Chemistry
Professor Jessica D'eon

CHM 415 Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry
Professor Jennifer Murphy

CIV576H1 Sustainable Buildings
Professor Jeffrey Siegel

Graduate Courses

CHE1435H Aerosol Physics and Chemistry
Professor Arthur Chan

CHE1433H Air Dispersion Modelling
Professor Greg Crooks

CHL7001H Protecting the Public from Air Pollution
Professor Jeffrey Brook 

CHL5004H Introduction to Public Health Sciences
Professor Jeffrey Brook 

CHM1401 Fate and Transport of Chemicals in the Environment
Team taught

CHM1415HS Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry
Professor Jennifer Murphy

CIV1320H Indoor Air Quality
Professor Jeffrey Siegel

CIV 1599H Transportation: Modeling Transport Emissions
Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou

CIV 1599H Transportation: Urban activity, Air Pollution, and Health
Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou

ESS1463H1S Contaminants in the Environment
Professor Miriam Diamond

MIE 516 Combustion and Fuels
Professor Murray Thomson

MIE 1122 Combustion Engine Processes
Professor Jim Wallace